After missing some of the promised rain over the last two days, we had a significant overnight “soaker” of 2″ or so that dampened the gardens which were still wet from previous precipitation. In this area though, we’ve had less rain than many locations just north and south of us where flooding issues still exist. Nice shots above and directly below of the Wellness Garden with some vivid coloration. The rain and cooler evening temperatures are creating some fungal problems and some annuals are rotting out here and there. Overall though, the gardens continues to have significant late season color and is worth a visit to be sure!
We had some drizzle this morning to work around but had a productive day out in the gardens. Thankfully the rain wasn’t overly intense so our paths still looked good and we had minimal clean-up throughout the gardens. Larry H. continues his early work on processing and putting up lights for the Holiday Light Show (HLS). He has made great progress in the Japanese garden already! Alex and Ibhar had some inside tasks and plenty of gardening action with various tasks. I’m focusing on our impending Fall Plant Sale (see details on our website) which starts next week. We’ll have plants arriving daily now in order to stock this large sale and significant fundraising event. Volunteers today included Kathy P., Dr. Gredler, Dennis, Greg and Cheryl P., Kay, Maury, Kristin, Gary, Hal and some others.
cool photo from Cindy B. of monarch caterpillar on milkweed (Aslcepias sp.) yesterday
‘Splendide’ meadow rue (Thalictrum delavayi) – perennial
Beezar!™ Funny Honey Apache beggarticks (Bidens ferulifolia) – annual
Persian shield (Strobilanthes dyerianus) – not hardy
lush and rich border in sunken garden (above)
variegated shell ginger (Alpinia zerumbet ‘Variegata’) – not hardy
Tidbits™ ‘Tammy’ coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides) – annual (above and below)
the New Guinea impatiens display (above) is still looking great!
blooming above at 7′ tall is ‘Flower Tower’ tall tickseed (Coreopsis tripteris) – perennial
beautifully symmetrical ‘Heronswood Globe’ katsura tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum) – woody tree
Japanese painted fern (Athyrium niponicum var. pictum) – perennial (above)
fruiting structure for umbrella magnolia (Magnolia tripetala) – woody tree
the walking labyrinth was an excellent addition to the new Wellness Garden
‘New Zealand Purple’ castor bean (Ricinus communis) above and below – annual (poisonous!)
‘Profusion Mango’ zinnia (Zinnia hybrida) with ‘China Town’ plume celosia (Celosia plumosa) – annuals
‘Elephant Head’ amaranth (Amaranthus gangeticus) – annual
nice assortment of annuals (above) in the Wellness Garden