We had another grey day with plenty of rain and drizzle. Our pond level is quite high and I’m hoping it doesn’t come up too much more as we’re seeing the start of flooding on our lowest paths in the Japanese and alpine gardens. April showers are certainly welcome however, and plenty of plants continue to show more signs of life. Our daffodils (Narcissus) will likely be peaking next week with hyacinths (Hyacinthus) and early tulips (Tulipa) not far behind. We’re using animal repellents on many of our emerging bulbs as the early nibbling from deer and rabbits is painfully evident.
Larry H., Larry O., Bobby K. and I were on staff today. Larry H. continued his tidying and mulching the Scottish garden which is going along well. Mulching around emerging plants can be challenging. Larry is a “rain or shine” guy and kept working in the rain. Larry O. is working on lots of inventorying and shifting at the Horticulture Center and out in the yard as we prepare for our incoming deliveries and the popular Spring Plant Sale on Mother’s Day weekend (see our website). We’ll have lots of veggies, herbs, perennials, shrubs and much more at this sale. The RBG Members pre-sale is on Thursday, May 11th (4:30 pm – 7:30 pm) this year. Many of the plant lists are already on our website. Bobby K. had some projects including some electrical modifications at the Horticulture Center and out in the gardens.
variegated foliage of the emerging ‘Fire of Love’ tulip (Tulipa)
white glory-in-the-snow (Chionodoxa luciliae ‘Alba’)
emerging peony (Paeonia) shoots with glory-in-the-snow (Chionodoxa sardensis)
Our volunteers continue to return to action in early April. Above is Steve E., a brand new volunteer at RBG, who has already proven himself with some solid mulching and composting over the last two weeks. Janice and I gave an orientation yesterday to Connie, another “newbie” that we’ll enjoy having involved out in the gardens. I recently had a great “walk around” in the fern & moss garden and Japanese garden with Kristin, Jim and Stan (seen below, left to right) where we were coming up with some plans for this year. All three of these volunteers have a great eye for detail and do wonderful things out in the gardens, particularly the Japanese garden.
Today we had some volunteer help as well. Alan M. finished painting our two giant Adirondack chairs (bright pink and orange) this morning while Ron P. continued repairing lights from the Holiday Light Show (HLS). Ron’s work on the HLS is almost year round and his dedication keeps our lights in order and ready to go. Kathy P. had some brief outdoor work before it rained and moved on to some inside work during the drizzle. Peg was in to work on plant records. We also saw Mark S., Dick H. and some others.
Alan M. and Ruth Ann P. were “painting partners” on Tuesday this week!
‘Mellow Yellow’ hellebore (Helleborus sp.) – perennial
furry undersides of emerging Canadian or wild ginger (Asarum canadense) – perennial
dark foliage of emerging ‘Britt Marie Crawford’ ligularia (Ligularia dentata) – perennial
pasque flowers (Pulsatilla vulgaris) keep emerging and I love this fuzzy stage! – perennial
white crocuses (Crocus sp.)
the moss island in the fern & moss garden is looking vivid
Those going to the Horticulture Center will note that the adjacent home is vacated and while it’s future isn’t certain, the Janesville Fire Department has been using it for some ladder and access training. The folks that used to live here were friendly and helped keep an eye on the “comings and goings” at the Horticulture Center during off hours.