Mullein (Verbascum thapsus)

So, what even is a weed? A weed is any plant that is unwanted in a specific area or creates an issue for cultivated plants.

A perennial mix of Salvia nemorosa 'Blauhugel', Monarda bradburiana, Dianthus carthusianorum, and Allium atropurpureum.

Looking back at some of the changes and updates we made to the Gardens last year As we flip the calendar to a new year and are in the middle …

Yellow Swallowtail Butterfly

New York, Chicago, and the Detroit. What will Janesville soon have in common with all these major metropolis’? Rotary Botanical Gardens will soon have gardens that have been inspired by the New Perennialist Movement.

Jesiolowski has spent most of his career at public garden institutions, most recently as Garden Supervisor at Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, Missouri. At Chicago Botanic Garden, where he …

During a summer 2019 trip the Gardens, Pamela Dittmer McKuen, Freelance Journalist and Author, gathered information for her Spring 2020 article, titled “How to Grow a Wellness Garden.” The article, features …

As I finish my 21 year journey at Rotary Botanical Gardens, I’d like to thank all the folks that have made this a special place over the 30 year history …

With some recent rain soaking the garden nicely, the summer color is vivid and at peak right now. We’ve had a very busy couple of weeks since our Home Garden …

For those that check on my blog regularly, I’m sorry I haven’t been more regular in recent months. This year, in particular, has been quite busy and while I still …

I had a great day in Madison, WI today although the weather went from very rainy to a bit muggy! I was on Larry Meiller’s Garden Talk program (Wisconsin Public …

I’m finding that I’m transitioning to using my smart phone camera almost exclusively for photography in the gardens. After about 15 years of carrying around my Canon PowerShot camera (small, …