The 2022 StoryWalk features the book “Except Antarctica” by Todd Sturgell. From June – October, those who visit the Gardens will find this book on display outside the English Cottage Garden. The StoryWalk is an outdoor exhibit so you may enjoy a garden stroll and story with your little one as you read this sweet tale
We currently have 37 turtles displayed throughout the Gardens. The form of the turtle was built in-house by RBG Grumpies and Grumpettes. Each artist(s) designed their turtle and then Uztig CARSTAR clear-coats them to withstand the elements. This year our artists range from preschoolers to a gentleman in his 80s.
This is the 13th year of this project. We could not have this successful fundraiser without the many people and volunteers who participated throughout the years. Our hats off to all the artists throughout the years. This display brings many visitors each year to see what we have on display.
This is an annual fundraiser, with Auctioneer Gary Weber assisting us with our action. Preview begins at 5:30 p.m., followed by the auction at 6 p.m.
Please fill out this form for each turtle for which you’d like to place a bid. Your credit card will not be charged unless you are the winning bidder.