Some of our 2017 Garden Art Projects are coming back to the gardens and a sneak peak can be seen above and below of these neat fish. Based on the three (of thirty) that have come back already, we’re very excited about this display as you can imagine. A wide range of artists of all backgrounds and abilities are involved with this annual project. All of the fish will be put out in the gardens prior to Mother’s Day and are ultimately auctioned off (public welcome!) on September 8th. This program has been so much fun over the years and including local art out in the gardens is certainly a great addition to the gardens proper and coincides with our mission.
Our grounds staff included Cindy, Larry H., Larry O. and myself today. Cindy did some early weeding and a whole lot of composting in the Nancy Yahr Memorial Children’s Garden which will again feature a Hummingbird Haven theme. Larry H. continues his epic mulching project in the Scottish garden which coincides with spring clean up efforts in that same space as he progresses. Larry O. continues to pack away the last of our Holiday Light Show (HLS) elements and is helping with the logistics of getting ready for the Spring Plant Sale in May. He also hauled out the two large, Adirondack chairs (see the pink one below!).
emerging bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) – perennial
more crocuses (Crocus sp.) continue to bloom
the marsh marigolds (Caltha palustris) don’t mind the rising water line along the shore! – perennial
We had a super volunteer turnout on this sunny, albeit chilly, day. It was also super breezy but that hopefully will dry up some of the recent puddles. Above are Ron R. (left) and Bob K. removing woodchips in an area that was then composted. The guys did a great job. Liz and Kathy P. (directly below) tidied up the Giant Aquarium which included removing weeds and the top layer of sand! This was an intense job but the ladies did an excellent job of tackling it in a timely fashion. Bob C. and Lloyd (second photo down) did a nice job cleaning up debris west of our main parking lot and the guys also mulched all the trees out in that area. Kay (further below) was in to continue composting in her area which is not small. She’s doing a great job of spreading a nice layer around emerging plants. Kristin was in to tidy in the Japanese garden while Urban did more pruning. Dick H. made many trips to the dump while Maury ran some errands. Marv B., Jim, Vern and Steve J. all worked on carpentry projects which included building obelisks for the Spring Plant Sale. Gary worked more on the laser engraver and some data entry for signs. Dr. Gredler did some painting while Alan started assembling our plant sale tables with some help later from Bob K. Ron P. was in to continue repairing lights from the Holiday Light Show (HLS) and we also saw Polly, Becky, Maryam, Bev D. and many others. It was a very productive day!
Liz (left) and Kathy P.
Bob C. (left) and Lloyd
“Kay the Composting Queen”
seed pods of the Northern catalpa (Catalpa speciosa) – woody tree
star magnolia (Magnolia stellata) flower buds are just starting to open
‘Blue Sunrise’ perennial geranium (Geranium hybrida) – perennial
donkeytail spurge (Euphorbia myrsinites) just getting ready to bloom – perennial
snowdrops (Galanthus sp.) are still going strong
peonies (Paeonia sp.) are emerging quickly too!
White PerfumeTM fragrant viburnum (Viburnum farreri ‘KLMW’) just opening up – woody shrub (sweet!!!)
‘Pink Giant’ glory-in-the-snow (Chionodoxa forbesii)
one more move and this giant pink Adirondack chair will be in place!
always a nice spot in the North Point garden to enjoy the view
mama goose hissed at me during this photo as she crouched over her egg(s)