Today was a bit on the chilly side with some scattered rain in the afternoon. I think we have more rain tomorrow but after the sunshine yesterday, today was still a hint of late winter. We will need those “April showers” regardless. Above are (left to right), Nancy, Myrt, Gena and Patty. The ladies did a nice job painting on this rainy day and have been our reliable Wednesday painters. Jenny was in to work on labels while Kathy and Eva tidied in the gardens until the rain came down. Dick H. ran loads of debris to the dump and Maury ran some errands for us. Larry H. mulched a huge area and continued with tidying efforts. Janice was in as well. We also saw Cindy B., Tom M. and many others from our Horticulture Therapy Committee. I continue to prepare for spring which will explode on the scene very quickly here as evidenced by these photos from yesterday!
crocuses (Crocus sp.) – above and below
‘Wate’s Golden’ Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana)
glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa sp.) – above and below
striped squill (Puschkinia libanotica) – above
Siberian squill (Scilla siberica) – above
double yellow hellebore (Helleborus) – perennial
Kay (above) and Alan (below) – photographed working hard yesterday!