Color Still Persists!


While colder evening temperatures are arriving soon, there is still plenty of late season color.  Some annuals like this ‘Velvet Elvis’ lavender spurflower (Plectranthus hybrida) seen above are still going strong.  Temperatures around 34 degrees F tomorrow night might test the remainder of our annuals which are being removed in advance of a “killing frost”.  We had a great day out in the gardens and at the Horticulture Center with a wide range of accomplishments.  Both volunteers and staff worked seamlessly together during one of the busiest times of year.


While Larry H., Larry O. and Big John all had mowing duties, the guys also had significant Holiday Light Show (HLS) duties as well.  Bobby K. was in to help John out and had some projects of his own.  Cindy helped with various projects including the continued “purging” in the Hummingbird Haven theme of the Nancy Yahr Memorial Children’s Garden.  I ran some cords but also had some significant indoor projects on my “to do list” as we also prepare for the 2017 budget year.


fall color before “needle drop” on golden larch (Pseudolarix amabilis) – woody tree (deciduous conifer)


Packers colors on the transitioning fall color of the bottlebrush buckeye (Aesculus parviflora) – woody shrub


‘Tabasco’ hot pepper (Capsicum frutescens) – annual


flossflower (Ageratum houstonianum) – annual


white baneberry (Actaea pachypoda) – perennial


weeping Alaskan cedar (Xanthocyparis nootkatensis ‘Pendula’) – woody tree


Despite the chilly weather, volunteers like Eva (above) were not daunted!  Our volunteers included Eva, Kathy, Shirley H., Liz, Marilyn, Cheryl D., Dr. Gredler, Maury, Gary, Ron Y., Dave, Vern, Jim, Gene, Alan, Bob K., Bev D., Ron P., Peg, Mary Kay and many others.  Tasks included lots of plant removals (annuals), path tidying, carpentry projects and a lot of other odd jobs.  We also saw Mark S., Jenny E., Marv B., Terry and many others today.  Despite my lack of specific task descriptions for everyone, suffice it to say that we had a great crew.  The education volunteers were out most of the day with students enjoying our fall program.  Our Horticultural Therapy Committee of Darcie, Cindy, Art, Elaine, Karen and I all met as well to discuss our August 9th event next year!


Kathy P. (above)


Marilyn (above showing off her latest dance move)


Shirley H. (left) and Liz


Bob K. and Alan M. (driving) whizzing by on one of MANY trips with debris


Cheryl D. all bundled up


two VIP volunteers – Gary (left) and Maury who was just awarded a medal for his service to RBG


fall color on ‘White Tigress’ striped maple (Acer tegmentosum) – woody tree (in my neighbor’s yard!, not RBG, although we have five!)


ring of kale (Brassica oleracea) – annual


EverColor® ‘Everillo’ sedge (Carex oshimensis) – perennial


‘Sugar Plum’ coral bells (Heuchera) – perennial


‘Rave On’ coral bells (Heuchera) – perennial


fall color on American smokebush (Cotinus obovatus) – large woody shrub / small tree


seed heads of burnet (Sanguisorba menziesii) – perennial


panicled hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata) are still showing some nice color here and there – woody shrub


Dolce® Blackcurrant coral bells (Heuchera)perennial