With the easy availability of rhododendrons at garden centers and big box stores, it is important to follow the steps necessary to not only grow rhododendrons, but to see them thrive in Wisconsin gardens.
Tom Horner will offer information gathered from over 50 years of experience with growing rhododendrons in his Racine Co. garden.
The presentation will include photos to inspire, a list of reliably hardy varieties, a handout for those wishing to follow up with further information and time for Q & A.
To register, please register and pay online using the form at the bottom of this page, or complete this form (PDF) and submit with your payment.
ALL areas of the registration form must be complete. Please complete a separate form for each registrant.
This event requires a minimum of 12 participants. Classes cancelled due to low enrollment will be refunded automatically, and you will be notified by phone or email of the cancellation.
The deadline to register for this event is April 24, 2024.