WPT Garden Expo 2016

The Wisconsin Public Television Garden Expo went well this past Friday through Sunday up at the Exhibition Hall of the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, WI.  Our booth looked great (above and below) and we had lots of folks stopping by over the last three days to pick up information.  Over the 18 years we’ve participated in this event, comments have changed from “I’ve never heard of the gardens..” to “I love the gardens” or “I plan on visiting!”.  The word is out there and this audience of 20,000+ includes folks from other states as well.  My six presentations went well and despite the snow on Sunday, the return trip went smoothly.  A big thank you to all the RBG staff and volunteers that helped facilitate this event and represent RBG.  Many of the photos below have captions.

With 3″ of fluffy snow coming down yesterday, Larry H., Big John and Bill O. started the day with some snow removal.  Alan M. headed out for some tasks in the garden and later helped Dr. Gredler with some painting projects.  Kathy P., Cindy and Kay worked on preparing labels for our big All-America Selections (AAS) garden which will be featured in the entrance garden this year.  The handwritten labels will follow the plants along from the time they are seeded until they are planted in 15 weeks or so.  Gene worked on some staining projects and Dick H. was repairing the wiring on one of our trucks.  Dave, Jim and Vern continued work on a new rack for our plant sales and we also saw Marv, Terry, Larry Olsen and many others today.

Mark S. (left) and Big John did a nice job with booth set-up at the Expo
 Dennis and Gena (eyes closed and napping on her feet)
 Pat and Pete
 lots of vendors at the Expo


 bee suit for youth
 Wisconsin Iris Society




 Nancy from The Flower Factory (Stoughton, WI)
 Benjamin from Allen Centennial Garden (UW-Madison)
Join the Wisconsin Hardy Plant Society (www.wisconsinhardyplantsociety.com/)!



 Christy from UW-Extension (Rock County Horticulture Educator) getting ready to WOW her audience
 Melinda Myers shopping between her presentations
Noel from Cobrahead Tools (www.cobrahead.com/)
 trough gardens at the WI/IL Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society
 seed galore!